The King of Cheese – Formaggi E Salumi Sandro & Ivana

Depending how you categorize the geography of Florence / Firenze, Italy, there are several ways to describe where Formaggi E Salumi Sandro & Ivana is located. The King of Cheese is located in the eastern edge of Santo Spirito, on Via dei Serragli. If you are a Calcio Storico fan, The King of Cheese is centrally located in the White lands of Santo Spirito, still on Via dei Serragli, between Via Sant’Agostino & Via D’Ardiglione.

When you visit Formaggi E Salumi Sandro & Ivana, hopefully The King of Cheese is there to greet and help you. If he is not there, most likely his Queen will be there in his stead. Either way, they offer some amazing cheeses. You cannot go wrong with their parmesan, or pecorino cheese. If they have a truffle pecorino, be sure to get yourself a couple of those.


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